INOX – Steel processing guide
“INOX- Steel processing guide” presented here was entirely carried out by Prof. Ing. Fausto CAPELLI, who has considerable experience in the stainless steel sector, with specific technical knowledge of the characteristics of these metals, their operations, and their treatments and of the many industries in which stainless steels are employed.
Professor of “Technologies of materials”, from “The Intemational College of Arts and Sciences’ in Milan, has been able to sum up the matter, articulating the different topics in a simple and precise way, stating the basic concepts that distinguish these alloys.
Our warmest congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Him.
Centrinos S.r.l.
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/in INOX guide /by admin_masterThis manual does not pretend to introduce stainless steels in depth and in all their aspects, nor to exhaust the subject in this short manual.
We simply attempted to accomplish for the generic user a sort of guide, a good practice manual, so as to provide the essential elements to cope, quickly, to the many questions that often arises in the design phase, machining or installation.
What are Stainless Steels?
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterStainless steels are iron alloys that are able to combine the typical mechanical properties of steels, the intrinsic characteristics of noble materials such as typically the remarkable qualities of resistance to corrosion.
Which types of stainless steel exist?
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterStaiinless steels can be divided into three main groups: martensitic, ferritic and austenitic.
Phisical and machanical properties
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterStainless steels have a wide range of both physical and mechanical properties for the most disparate application situations.
Different steel products
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterThe considerable diversification of industrial applications reached by the stainless steels has necessarily brought the processors companies need to be able to have different steel products on the market in various formats.
Resistance to corrosion
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterIt is always very aleatory be able to provide, in general, the behavior in time of a given metallic material if put in contact with a certain environment.
How to work them
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterWorking with stainless steels requires knowledge of some of their special characteristics and needs taking into account the attitudes of the different alloys to machining and structural changes that can occur during the processing stages.
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterThe bonding techniques can be adopted with steels are varied, both in fixed joints and removable joints.
Surface finishings
/in INOX guide /by admin_masterThe considerable diversification of surface finish semi-manufactured or manufactured goods with steel plays a decisive role.
/in INOX guide /by admin_master